Social media in a repressive society

Social media is affecting all of our lives in a way that we’ve only just begun to recognize, it’s simple, but the constant preoccupation is with many sharing their digital lives or connecting with friends and family to publish politicians ’books. Modern propaganda that seems to win the election. What we might refer to as a repressive society, social media is also having an impact on society. In fact, it is providing a means of empowerment that was not there before.

The study, published in the International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, focuses on one particular aspect – the problems faced by transgender entrepreneurs in India, a country that considers introducing special restrictions for certain minority groups that may not cause such concerns in a free society. Guruprasad Gadgil of Francis Marion University near Florence, South Carolina, and Gayle Pributok and Victor Pributok of the University of North Texas at Denton, USA, explained that there is a lack of research in this area. They have now conducted a case study, which they say is a first step towards bridging the research gap.

The team says, “A key finding indicates that social networking plays an important role in entrepreneurial success while the skill set of transgender entrepreneurs is an integral part of a small scale or family business endeavor.” “This study suggests future research conducted to understand the unique aspects of transgender entrepreneurs in India and informs entrepreneurs about India’s entrepreneurship and public policy in this population.” They conclude that “this study has filled the gaps in a marked study and highlighted the challenges of this unique group of entrepreneurs. This is a discussion we have with our friends over at